What a Wedding MC Should Do

As your wedding is the most important day of your life, it’s imperative that everything goes exactly to plan. While there are some things you cannot control (i.e. your uncle’s over-enthusiastic toast, for instance), some things can be planned to ensure the day runs smoothly.


Surprisingly, the very thing that ties a wedding ceremony together is something most couples overlook – appointing an experienced Master of Ceremonies (MC). By now, you’re probably asking “what is a wedding MC, and what do they do?” Read on to discover the difference an experienced wedding MC can make to your big day.


Wedding Pre-Planning – As your wedding date draws nearer, you’ll notice the difference a professional MC can make. For instance, a month before the wedding reception, your wedding MC will meet with you and your partner, to discuss each and every detail of the reception, and compile a “run sheet” to ensure everything runs smoothly on the day.  Following that, a week prior your wedding date, your MC will meet with you again to make any final changes to the run sheet.


Uses a Run Sheet – The run sheet is a complete breakdown of every component of the evening. It details which events happen in which order, and how long everything is expected to take. The mark of a truly organised wedding MC is a meticulously detailed run sheet - which shows the precise order of arrivals, speeches, cutting of the cake, etc. This document takes a little planning; however, it will bring order to the biggest day of your life.


Keeps Communication Open – Your wedding MC is responsible for communicating with everyone involved in the reception. What distinguishes an experienced MC from your cousin or best mate, is the ability to communicate with everyone on a personal level.

One of the MC’s responsibilities is to communicate appropriately to your guests (whether that’s through microphone announcements or speaking to guests personally, moving from table to table). He will also communicate effectively with reception staff, by introducing the manager, chef, serving staff, DJ and others to the crowd, as required.


Has a “Plan B” – While with proper preparation, everything should run smoothly, almost every wedding has at least one incident which throws things a little off course (be it an argument between in-laws, or a speech that carries on a little too long). If some unforeseen event takes place, a talented wedding MC has a foolproof contingency plan in place to ensure speeches, dances, and cake cutting, etc. continue without a hitch.


Announcements – Finally, the MC will give the night direction by announcing all important events to the crowd. Firstly, as you enter the reception room, the MC will introduce you to your guests as husband and wife.


At the commencement of the evening, the MC will announce “housekeeping” matters (i.e. the order of events, etc.) to the crowd. And, the MC will announce all events (i.e. the cutting of the cake, the garter and bouquet tossing, wedding dance, after party, and more).


To ensure everything goes to plan and you enjoy every second of your wedding, call the experts at Let’s Marry on 1300 LET SSS (1300 538 777) and secure a professional wedding MC today.